Full Form of valentine

Full Form of valentine
Here's the full form Of Valentine , This full form will of course take you to the next level in your Love.

V....is for Valentine ; you are my only Valentine
A.....is for I will Always be yours
L.....is for Love at its most extreme
E.....is for Everlasting love ; Ecstatic love.
N.....is for Never-ending love
T.....is for we will Always be Together forever
I.....is for you being Intelligent and Innocent;
N....is 4 Natures naughty way of saying I luv you to
E.....is for Eternity our love is so ever lasting .
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Happy Valentine's day Facebook statuses

Happy Valentine's day Facebook statuses
Happy Valentines Day 2016 Quotes, Wishes, SMS, Messages,Facebook statuses :- If you are searching for Valentines Day 2016, Happy Valentines Day, Happy Valentines Day Quotes, Valentines Day  Wishes, Happy Valentine's day Facebook Statuses Valentines Day SMS, Valentines Day  Messages, Valentines Day Quotes then you are in right place here you can get all the latest and best collection of Valentines Day Quotes, Valentines Day Wishes 2016, Happy Valentines Day Wishes, Valentines Day SMS 2016, Valentines Day Messages.

Happy Valentine's day Facebook statuses 

1)True Love Never Dies,
If it dies, It won’t rot,
If it rots, It never smell.
And if it smells, It smells like roses.
I Love you the way you are.

2)It is the day which reminds you that
If you dont have a special someone, You’re alone
I thank god and feel lucky to have you as special someone.
Happy Valentine’s Day Sweetheart.


“I love you because the entire universe conspired to help me find you.”

4)within my heart 
that only you can fill.
For you had my love 
right from the start
and I know you always will. 

Happy Valentine's Day

5)In my life, your love 
has remained
constant and unconditional. 
Though at times 
you may have questioned,
worried or wondered... 
you never stopped loving me. 
On this day of love 
I want you to know how very much that means. 
You who have loved me first, 
love me best.
Thank you for all the love you've shared. 

Happy Valentine's Day.

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Happy Valentine's day Whatsapp messages

Happy Valentine's day Whatsapp messages
Valentine's Day messages are the first thing you want to share with your lovers and friends, right? Look no where else, because we have got a great collection of Happy Valentine's Day WhatsApp messages for 2016.
With the advent of smartphones, people have forgotten about the SMS. Previously, people used to send Valentine's Day quotes and sayings as SMS. Now that WhatsApp  has become popular, we're giving you the greatest list of Happy Valentine's Day WhatsApp messages.So check out the best happy valentine's day whatsapp messages here.

Happy Valentine's day Whatsapp messages

1.My heart tells me I’d die without you. Before it proves to be right, Agree to be mine. Happy Valentine’s Day.

2.Wake up all the birds of cupid and chirp like you have never before. Because today is our day to celebrate. Happy Valentines day to you my sweetheart. 

3.True love is, having someone beside you that believes in you more then you believe in yourself. Happy Valentine’s Day.

4.My love for you is my life, My life is all love for you, Happy Valentine’s day.

5.I have fallen in love many times, always with you. It happened again now my love. Happy Valentine`s Day.

6.Hope your valentine`s day is great, i hope it`s quite a treat, i hope you have a happy day, filled with things so sweet.

7.What is love? It`s not a thing will not come first sight, Love is the moment of truth. Happy Valentine’s Day.

8. Love is like a cloud...
Love is like a dream...
Love is one word and
Everything in between...
Love is a fairytale come true...
Because I found love when I found you.
Happy Valentine's Day!

9.You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes is the only thing you see in the world. Happy Valentines Day.

10.This fire that we call Loving is too strong for human minds. But just right for human souls.

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Valentine's day Greeting Cards

Valentine's day Greeting Cards
Love is the most wonderful of all feelings in this world. It's Valentine's Day 2016 and what could be a better time to let your dear ones know that you love them.As the Name Valentine's day Greeting cards says it's the best way to greet your valentine. Download best valentine's day Greeting cards. Also These Valentine's day greeting cards are free. Download HD Valentine's day greeting cards from here. I'm sure that your valentine will get happy if you send these Valentine's day Greeting cards to him/her.

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Happy Valentine's day In spanish

Happy Valentine's day In spanish
Valentine's day 2016: How to say Happy Valentine's day In spanish ? 
Happy valentine's day 2016 , 

How to say Happy Valentine's day In Spanish

Say Happy Valentine's day in Spanish

Happy valentine's day in spanish -    Feliz San Valentín

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History Of Valentine's day

History Of Valentine's day
Hello Love birds,We all know that valentine's day is celebrated on 14th February,But we've never thought why it is celebrated on 14th February , everything has a reason behind it and so does celebrating valentine's day on 14th Feb. Now we'll see the history of Valentine's day .
Gifts for Valentine's Day

History of valentine's day

Every year, the fourteenth day of the month of February has millions across the world presenting their loved ones with candy, flowers, chocolates and other lovely gifts. In many countries, restaurants and eateries are seen to be filled with couples who are eager to celebrate their relationship and the joy of their togetherness through delicious cuisines. There hardly seems to be a young man or woman who is not keen to make the most of the day.

The reason behind all of this is a kindly cleric named Valentine who died more than a thousand years ago.

It is not exactly known why the 14th of February is known as Valentine's day if the noble Valentine really had any relation to this day.
image: http://www.theholidayspot.com/valentine/images/saint_valentine.jpg
Saint ValentineThe  history of Valentine's Day is impossible to be obtained from any archive and the veil of centuries gone by has made the origin behind this day more difficult to trace. 
The modern St. Valentine's Day celebrations are said to have been derived from both ancient Christian and Roman tradition. As per one legend, the holiday has originated from the ancient Roman festival of Lupercalis/Lupercalia, a fertility celebration that used to observed annually on February 15. But the rise of Christianity in Europe saw many pagan holidays being renamed for and dedicated to the early Christian martyrs. Lupercalia was no exception. In 496 AD, Pope Gelasius turned Lupercalia into a Christian feast day and set its observance a day earlier, on February 14. He proclaimed February 14 to be the feast day in honor of Saint Valentine, a Roman martyr who lived in the 3rd century. It is this St. Valentine whom the modern Valentine's Day honors. 

According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, there were at least three early Christian saints by the name of Valentine. While one was a priest in Rome, another was a bishop in Terni. Nothing is known about the third St. Valentine except that he met his end in Africa. Surprisingly, all three of them were said to have been martyred on 14th February. 

It is clear that Pope Gelasius intended to honor the first of these three aforementioned men. Most scholars believe that this St. Valentine was a priest who lived around 270 AD in Rome and attracted the disfavor of Roman emperor Claudius II who ruled during this time. 

The story of St. Valentine has two different versions - the Protestant and the Catholic one. Both versions agree upon Saint Valentine being a bishop who held secret marriage ceremonies of soldiers in opposition to Claudius II who had prohibited marriage for young men and was executed by the latter. During the lifetime of Valentine, the golden era of Roman empire had almost come to an end. Lack of quality administrators led to frequent civil strife. Education declined, taxation increased and trade witnessed a very bad time. The Roman empire faced crisis from all sides, from the Gauls, Slavs, Huns, Turks and Mongolians from Northern Europe and Asia. The empire had grown too large to be shielded from external aggression and internal chaos with existing forces. Naturally, more and more capable men were required to to be recruited as soldiers and officers to protect the nation from takeover. When Claudius became the emperor, he felt that married men were more emotionally attached to their families, and thus, will not make good soldiers. He believed that marriage made the men weak. So he issued an edict forbidding marriage to assure quality soldiers. 

The ban on marriage was a great shock for the Romans. But they dared not voice their protest against the mighty emperor.

The kindly bishop Valentine also realized the injustice of the decree. He saw the trauma of young lovers who gave up all hopes of being united in marriage. He planned to counter the monarch's orders in secrecy. Whenever lovers thought of marrying, they went to Valentine who met them afterwards in a secret place, and joined them in the sacrament of matrimony. And thus he secretly performed many marriages for young lovers. But such things cannot remain hidden for long. It was only a matter of time before Claudius came to know of this "friend of lovers," and had him arrested. 

While awaiting his sentence in prison, Valentine was approached by his jailor, Asterius. It was said that Valentine had some saintly abilities and one of them granted him the power to heal people. Asterius had a blind daughter and knowing of the miraculous powers of Valentine he requested the latter to restore the sight of his blind daughter. The Catholic legend has it that Valentine did this through the vehicle of his strong faith, a phenomenon refuted by the Protestant version which agrees otherwise with the Catholic one. Whatever the fact, it appears that Valentine in some way did succeed to help Asterius' blind daughter. 

Claudius IIWhen Claudius II met Valentine, he was said to have been impressed by the dignity and conviction of the latter. However, Valentine refused to agree with the emperor regarding the ban on marriage. It is also said that the emperor tried to convert Valentine to the Roman gods but was unsuccessful in his efforts. Valentine refused to recognize Roman Gods and even attempted to convert the emperor, knowing the consequences fully. This angered Claudius II who gave the order of execution of Valentine. 

Meanwhile, a deep friendship had been formed between Valentine and Asterius' daughter. It caused great grief to the young girl to hear of his friend's imminent death. It is said that just before his execution, Valentine asked for a pen and paper from his jailor, and signed a farewell message to her "From Your Valentine," a phrase that lived ever after. As per another legend, Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his jailer during his imprisonment. However, this legend is not given much importance by historians. The most plausible story surrounding St. Valentine is one not centered on Eros (passionate love) but on agape (Christian love): he was martyred for refusing to renounce his religion. Valentine is believed to have been executed on February 14, 270 AD. 

Thus 14th February became a day for all lovers and Valentine became its Patron Saint. It began to be annually observed by young Romans who offered handwritten greetings of affection, known as Valentines, on this day to the women they admired. With the coming of Christianity, the day came to be known as St. Valentine's Day. 

But it was only during the 14th century that St. Valentine's Day became definitively associated with love. UCLA medieval scholar Henry Ansgar Kelly, author of "Chaucer and the Cult of Saint Valentine", credits Chaucer as the one who first linked St. Valentine's Day with romance. In medieval France and England it was believed that birds mated on February 14. Hence, Chaucer used the image of birds as the symbol of lovers in poems dedicated to the day. In Chaucer's "The Parliament of Fowls," the royal engagement, the mating season of birds, and St. Valentine's Day are related: 

"For this was on St. Valentine's Day, When every fowl cometh there to choose his mate." 

By the Middle Ages, Valentine became as popular as to become one of the most popular saints in England and France. Despite attempts by the Christian church to sanctify the holiday, the association of Valentine’s Day with romance and courtship continued through the Middle Ages. The holiday evolved over the centuries. By the 18th century, gift-giving and exchanging hand-made cards on Valentine's Day had become common in England. Hand-made valentine cards made of lace, ribbons, and featuring cupids and hearts began to be created on this day and handed over to the man or woman one loved.
Valentine's day greeting cardThis tradition eventually spread to the American colonies. It was not until the 1840s that Valentine's Day greeting cards began to be commercially produced in the U.S. The first American Valentine's Day greeting cards were created by Esther A. Howlanda Mount Holyoke, a graduate and native of Worcester. Mass. Howland, known as the Mother of the Valentine, made elaborate creations with real lace, ribbons and colorful pictures known as "scrap". It was when Howland began Valentine's cards in a large scale that the tradition really caught on in the United States. 

Today, Valentine's Day is one of the major holidays in the U.S. and has become a booming commercial success. According to the Greeting Card Association, 25% of all cards sent each year are "valentine"s. The "valentines", as Valentine's Day cards are better known as, are often designed with hearts to symbolize love. The Valentine's Day card spread with Christianity, and is now celebrated all over the world. One of the earliest valentines was sent in 1415 AD by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife during his imprisonment in the Tower of London. The card is now preserved in the British Museum. 

There may be doubts regarding the actual identity of Valentine, but we know that he really existed because archaeologists have recently unearthed a Roman catacomb and an ancient church dedicated to a Saint Valentine. 
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Valentine's day Romantic Poems

Valentine's day Romantic Poems
Valentine's Day is the Holiday of Romance. Romance is love in its active state, ignited and inspired. Valentine's Day may feel like a holiday forced on us by the Greeting Card, Jewelry and Floral industries, but the truth is that we have accepted it because we recognize and value its purpose. Love that never inspires romance is stagnant and stale. Valentine's Day is an opportunity to ignite our existing relationship with romance, and love with an added dose of romance will result in a stronger, longer lasting and far more satisfying relationship.

Valentine's day Romantic Poems

1)Be My Valentine 
This may be a little silly,
But I have a question for you,
Will you be my valentine? 
'Cause no one else will do...
I know you are my boyfriend
But will you be my valentine?
I can't think of anyone else
I'd want to have as mine...
No one else gives me the tingles
The way you always do,
So, will you be my valentine?
So I can share this with you...
No one has ever kissed me
And sent chills down my spine,
Until the night you kissed me,
So, please be my valentine...
Like I said this is silly,
But I have one last question for you...
If you agree to be my valentine,
Can I be yours too?
Valentines Day 2016 Romantic Wishes

2)A Valentine Poem for My Love
On Valentine’s Day, the day of affection,
My thoughts naturally turn in your direction.
I think of many things, big and small
That you’ve given to me and given your all.
You of all the special memories I treasure.
Having you in my life is nothing but pleasure!
You’re a walking example of how to live,
How to share, how to teach, how to love, how to give.
Please accept this Valentine poem,
warm from the heart of your Love.

3)Tomorrow is Valentine Day
There is only one thing I wish to say
There is only one day left for Valentine day
Let all the lovers of the world unite
Let there be peace and love in everyone’s sight
Let the kisses flow smoothly like a stream
Let everyone meet the men and women of their dreams
Let everyone get a lovers valentine card
Say it with chocolates or with two white doves
Just show all your love on Valentine Day.

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Valentine's day Romantic Wallpapers

Valentine's day Romantic Wallpapers
Here we are sharing some very awesome and amazing Valentines Day Romantic Wallpapers. I have already shared valentines day HD wallpapers and valentines day images now I have decided to post here something special for this romantic day. As we all know that valentines day celebrated on 14th February every year, Valentines Day is the most romantic of the year and everyone wanna become so romantic with their partners on Valentines Day. So I'm giving you some chance to make your day a very romantic day as it is. Download these Valentines Day Romantic Wallpapers and send it to your love. She or he will really like these Valentine's day romantic wallpapers which are just too romantic. Don't delay just download and enjoy the most romantic day of the year.

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Valentine's day HD wallpapers

Valentine's day HD wallpapers
Valentine's day HD Wallpapers : Happy Valentine's day , Setting Love wallpapers On your devices would be great if you're in Love . Here are the collection of HD valentine's day wallpapers. Download Free Valentine's day mobile wallpapers. All the Valentine's day Wallpapers are espescially for you,it is also wonderfully decorative Valentine's day wallpaper, Free valentine's day wallpapers for PC/ Mobile , Romantic valentine's day wallpapers, Huge collection on valentine's day wallpaper 2016 , Download valentine's day wallpapers . Download Happy Valentines Day Rose wallpapers, images, photos and celebrate the most awaiting day of the year of love birds.








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Valentine's day SMS,Funny Messages

Valentine's day SMS,Funny Messages
Valentine's day Funny SMS and messages: In a relationship sometimes being funny is better than being romantic ,So for you being funny Valentine's day Funny SMS and messages will make a way for you to be funny,Here are few Collections of the Funniest Valentine's day SMS.

Valentine's day SMS , Funny Messages

1.My boyfriend told me I can do with him whatever I want on Valentine’s Day, so I tied him up and went to the nightclub.

2.Please remember that Valentine’s Day is a polite reminder that Christmas decorations must go down!

3.Darling, will you be my player number 2?

4.If you feel sad that you stay alone during Valentine‘s day, just remember that nobody loves you on any of those other 355 days of the year.

5.Love is a grave mental disease.

6.I’m tired of love; I’m still more tired of rhyme; but money gives me pleasure all the time.

7.Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife.

8.Happy Valentine’s Day to all the couples, wish your love last forever and to all single people wish your batteries last forever…

9.I trust you plan more for Valentine’s Day than Russia prepared for the Olympics.

10.I would love you even if you were so ugly that everyone died.

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Happy Valentine's day in French

Happy Valentine's day in French
Happy valentine's day in French : Whenever you convey your Love to him/her ,You must surely Try Saying it In Other languages. ;)
This post is On How to say "I Love you" and "Happy Valentine's day In french".
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Happy Valentine's day In French

Happy Valentine's day In french: Joyeuse saint Valentin

Say "I Love you" In french ( Happy Valentine's day In french)

I Love you : Je vous aime

Say I Love you and Happy Valentine's day in french and get surprised to see his/her reaction .

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Valentine's day Messages in Hindi

Valentine's day Messages in Hindi
Valentine's day Messages in Hindi:  Valentine's day Is a world wide celebration of love and romance b/w cute couples,Here are collection Of Latest Valentine's day messages in Hindi, Lovely Valentine's day Messages in Hindi ,Awesome Valentine's day text messages In hindi, Valentine's day SMS in Hindi .
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Valentine's day SMS (messages) In Hindi .

1.Yaadon ki barsaat liye
Duaaon ki soghat liye
Dil ki gehrayee se
Chand ki roshnai se
Pholon k kaghaz per
Aap k liye sirf 3 lafz

2.Log samajhte hain humne unko bhula rakha hai,
wo kya jane ki dil me chupa rakha hai,
dekhe na koi usay meri aankho mein,
isliye palkon ko hum nay jhuka rakha hai.

3.Jub Khamosh Aankho Se Baat Hoti Hai
Aise Hi Mohabbat Ki Suruwat Hoti Hai
Tumhare Hi Khayalo Mein Khoye Rehte Hain
Pata Nahi Kab Din Kab Raat Hoti Hai

4.Apke aane se zindagi kitni khubsoorat hai,
Dil me basayi hai jo woh apki hi surat hai,
Dur jaana nahi humse kabhi bhulker bhi,
Hume har kadam per aapki zarurat hai.

5.Sabhi nagme saaz mein gaye nahi jaate,
sabhi log mehfil mein bulaaye nahi jaate,
kuch paas reh kar bhi yaad nahi aate,
kuch dur reh kar bhi bhoolaye nahi jaate...

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Valentine's day SMS

Valentine's day SMS
Valentine's day SMS: Looking For Valentine's day SMS and not getting any idea about it ? Here are few of the best Valentine's day SMS for you, You Can Send This Valentine's day SMS to your loved ones.

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Valentine's day SMS

1.Hearts beat 72 times a min,
 Even if ur heart beats only once a min,
 U'll stil live coz 71 times my heart beats 4u..
 Good Morning & Have a good day.

2.If love can be avoided by closing eyes,
 then I wouldn't blink at all
for I dont want to let a second pass
 having fallen out of love with U!

3.The Keyword To Our
TR [ U S ]T
Without Trust,
 There Is No '' US ''

4.Some relationships are like TOM & JERRY.
 They tease each other,
 knock down each other,
 irritate each other,
 but can't live without each other.

5.I wish every relationship
 come with the
 same tag as Johnson's baby shampoo

6.Live 4 d person ho dies 4u,
 Smile 4 d person ho cries 4u,
 Fight 4 d person ho protects u,
 n luv d person ho luvs u more than u..!...........

7.love is Divine
 Be My Valentine
 I will be yours for life time

8.A kiss is just a kiss till u find the 1 u luv.
 A hug is just a hug till u find the 1 u're always thinking of.
 A dream is just a dream till it comes true.
 Luv was just a word till I heard it from u...................

9.Let Love Come To You,
 Be Patient.
 In Fairy Tales
 They Don�t Find Each 0ther
 The Last Page

10.If u wanna know how much i miss u,
 Try to catch rain drops,
 The ones u catch is how much u miss me,
 And the other u miss is how much i miss u.

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Things to do on Valentine's day

Things to do on Valentine's day
It's common for all the couples to be romantic through out the year,But also you guys should plan for something special to do on valentine's day. During the weekdays both 'em will be either fed by work or college,In US and some other countries it's an official holiday on valentine's day , But if  you're in a country where there's no holiday on valentine's day , I say Take leave to spend time with your loved ones.

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Here's a collection of things you need to do on valentine's day to make it a memorable and a sweet one !

1.Start your day by saying it off !
Of course your day wouldn't get better if you won't it by Saying "I Love you" .!

2.Get Some cool gifts
Gifts are the stuffs that make days memorable,So why not plan for buying a cool gift for him/her ?
Check out Best Valentine's day Gifts ----> here .

3.Plan for a outing
Outing always doesn't means moving into a huge mall and shopping,Go for a calm lonely place where you can spend time more freely and clearly.

4.Make a bunch of kisses
Kisses are the best ways to express love.

5.Candlelight dinner
At the end of the day plan for supercool candle light dinner.

I Hope you liked this post,Do share it.
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Valentine's day quotes(Images)

Valentine's day quotes(Images)
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Valentine's day Quotes

Valentine's day Quotes
Quotes are so powerful that it has the capacity to change the way of thinking of a person,And conveying particular message wouldn't get better without a quote.Of course quotes are framed on everything and not to miss about valentine's day ,there are tons of  love quotes on valentine's day flooded across the internet.

I've collected some cute valentine's day quotes , Send these short valentine quotes to her and show how romantic you're.
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1. Love is our true density.We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone,we find it with one another.
2.Where there is great love, there are always wishes.
3.You are always new, the last of your kisses was ever the sweetest.
4.The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.
5.When love is not madness, it is not love.
6.Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love.(popularly said by albert einstein)
7.Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart.
8.Anyone can be passionate, but it takes real lovers to be silly.
9.Come live in my heart and pay no rent.
10.Love is being stupid together.
11.A life without love is like a year without summer.
12.Love is just a word until someone comes along and gives it meaning.
13.Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
14.Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
15.I consider myself to be the luckiest man on this Earth and it’s only because I have found the most precious jewel of this world. It’s you, my love. You are the only thing that looks good on me.

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Valentine's day Images

Valentine's day Images
All couples are excited that Valentine's day is nearing,but also at the same time,The day becomes memorable when it is enjoyed to the max.So this Valentine's day  shouldn't be a normal one for you and your gf/bf.
Before then you start having joy together kick-start the day by sending some romantic abd beautiful images.
Here are few collection of Valentine's day Images.

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valentine's day,happy valentine's day,happy valentine's day 2016,romantic valentine's day


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valentine's day,happy valentine's day,happy valentine's day 2016,romantic valentine's day

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Do share it. :) 

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Best Valentine's day gifts-2016

Best Valentine's day gifts-2016
happy valentine's day, best valentine's day gifts

As we all know Valentine's day is celebrated on 14th February Every Year,It's also considered as one of the most important day in Couples Life.Tons Of Lover's exchange kisses hugs Gifts rings and much more....And for every couple this is the most romantic day of their life.

So here's a list of Best Gifts for Valentine's day !

1.Ring : Buying a ring to your fiancee on valentine's day would be the best ever way to impress her and make her love you more,So If you're planning to propose your loved one then Getting her a ring wouldn't be a bad idea.

2.Candies: Buying candies are the sweetest way to celebrate valentine's day.

3.Chocolates in a heart shaped box : In most of the cases,internal beauty matters but here The heart shaped box matters . ;)

4.Dolls : Of course it's a fantasy that most of the girls love dolls,And it wouldn't get better if you're not gifting her a cute doll.

5.Rose: And the best of all,Love would reach it's peak when gifted with a Pink rose .

I hope you liked it, do share it with your friends. :)

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What Is Valentine's day ?

What Is Valentine's day ?
Now Here's a brief history on when and how did valentine's day started ?

valentine's day , happy valentine's day , valentine's day 2016

Brief Story Of Valentine's day!

Valentine's day initially began in early 3rd century with an oppressive Roman emperor and  a humble christian Martyr.The emperor was Claudius II and the christian was Valentinus.

The Emperor had forced everyone to worship twelve gods and Considered to punish all those who followed Christianity.So Valentinus too was a christian was in a verge of death.
He had a Final wish to talk with Julia,His only daughter.
Julia had been blind from birth and could not see anything.During the death day of Valentinus Julia asked "Does God really hear our prayers? " And He replied "Of course yes my child".
She then says "You know what I pray to god everyday ? " I want to see how beautiful this world is.
So they continued praying sitting together.Suddenly there was a strike and Julia Started shouting "Valentinus I can see , i can see! "
Valentinus was hit with extreme happiness and also was ready to get hanged.
On the eve of his death day he urged Julia to stay close to God.He then signed off saying " from your valentine"
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